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Text File | 1994-06-19 | 10.3 KB | 193 lines | [TEXT/????] |
- By
- Phil Scovell
- Today the issue of homosexuality is impossible to avoid. On radio and
- television talk shows, in the White House and from the chambers of congress,
- in our churches, schools, homes and on the streets, homosexuals are demanding
- attention. History most certainly will reflect on the last decade of the 20th
- century as the "gay 90's."
- Though there was a day when homosexuality used to be an issue of morality,
- it now has become both a social and spiritual matter. In spite of the clear
- Biblical condemnation of homosexual sin, now homosexuals are claiming to be
- regenerated, blood washed, born again Bible Believers. Are they?
- Before answering this question, I want to parenthetically state that I am
- a born again fundamentalist Christian. I believe homosexuality is not only
- wrong but immoral and violates both the Holy Scriptures and the morals of
- society. I will also state, however, that the purpose of this article is to
- prove that Christians do not need the Bible to justify their claims that
- homosexuality is not only wrong, but immoral.
- Annetta Briant sacrificed her career in the 1970's for her belief that
- homosexuality was abnormal. She was right and her position needs to be
- acclaimed again in this decade.
- First, homosexuality is abnormal because it is biologically incompatible
- with nature. There isn't a single creature in the animal kingdom which
- affords reproduction between species of the same sex. the human race does
- not, nor has it ever, nor will it ever, reproduce by same sex procreation.
- thus, homosex sexuality is biologically abnormal.
- Second, homosexuality is abnormal physically. The human body is
- anatomically incompatible with same sex expression. Even if one doesn't
- believe in God's existence, rejects the divine creation of man, or denies the
- inerrancy of the Bible, but rather lays claim to evolutionary progression, we
- would have to logically agree that there is no physiological compatibility in
- homosexual copulation. Unless, of course, some perversion is employed to
- compensate for the anatomical differences. The way homosexuals are forced to
- express themselves physically, due to the lack of anatomical compatibility,
- demonstrates the abnormality of their sexuality.
- Finally, there is the emotional aspect of the homosexual abnormality.
- Today gays are attempting to convince us (they've already convinced the White
- House) that homosexuality is not only normal but socially acceptable. They
- want minority status, military recognition, political equality, social
- integration, Christian integrity, civil accommodation, societal complicity,
- educational credibility and employment uniformity. Though I've not heard the
- argument by the homosexual community, it won't be long before they claim
- emotional equality and stability with the rest of society. I suggest it is
- psychologically impossible to justify the emotional normality of a person who
- is attempting to reverse, or otherwise distort, what is physically and
- biologically normal.
- Now that I have made these statements, a number of questions demand our
- attention. Do homosexuals have rights? Should they be allowed in the
- military? Should government grant gays minority status? Should they be
- treated differently? Do they have the right of employment? Should
- homosexuals be allowed to teach our children? Should they be allowed to come
- in to our schools and inform students of the gay life style as an alternative?
- What about transsexuals. Are they male or female? Concerning Christianity,
- can homosexuals be born again? Should they be allowed to teach Sunday school?
- Should they be permitted to serve as deacons and elders? What about
- homosexuals in the pastoral office? The answers to all of these questions is
- dependant upon one's view of sexual normality. If homosexuality is in fact
- physically and emotionally normal, (biologically it cannot be) then we would
- be forced to grant homosexuals every and all courtesies, rights and privileges
- the rest of society shares. If, on the other hand, homosexuality is abnormal,
- then the answer would be different. Before I personally address these
- questions, let me relate a personal experience.
- I was raised in a conventional Christian home. My father was a preacher,
- my mother active in all phases of church work and my sisters and I all went to
- Bible colleges. One of my best friends during my teenage years, however, was
- gay. He was about three years older when we began spending a lot of time
- together and he had already completed one year of Bible college. He was very
- musically skilled; playing both piano and organ in church. His parents had
- been African missionaries. When he embraced homosexuality and accepted
- himself as such, he dropped out of Bible college and enrolled in nurses
- training. I spent many hours with this young man and though I knew he was
- homosexual, the subject never once came up and I was never physically
- approached by him in any way. We occasionally spent weekends in the
- dormitory, swimming together in the school pool, slept in the same room,
- shared meals, and even often attended church services together. Never was
- there any hint of sexual suggestiveness or involvement. We were simply
- buddies. Years later I learned he was also a confessed pedophile at the time.
- I say this to make sure it is understood that my answers to the questions I
- have raised are not based on a homophobic response or personal predigest.
- In light of this, here are my answers to the posed questions.
- Do homosexuals have rights?
- Of course. They are human beings just like anyone else. they have the
- right to be treated as such; to hold jobs, pay taxes and to function in
- society as anyone might as long as it is within the law. Do they have, or
- should they have, special rights? No. Unless, of course, they claim they are
- somehow different than the rest of society and today they are claiming
- sameness (I.E., normality).
- Should they be allowed in the military?
- Actually I differ with most leading fundamentalists on this issue. I
- frankly have no objections whatsoever to homosexuals serving in the military.
- The argument I have heard from Christians on this question is, not the
- inability of the homosexual to serve and do as good of job soldiering as
- anyone, but it is a matter of drawing the line somewhere. With this I
- concur. If, however, the military establishment is going to ask recruits if
- they are homosexual, they should also ask if the recruit is immoral in his
- heterosexual behavior. Adultery and premarital sex is just as immoral as
- homosexuality. Any service personnel found acting unbecoming of an officer
- should be band from military service. There is, for that matter, absolutely
- no evidence homosexuals in the military are less or more immoral than
- heterosexuals. Contrary to most popular beliefs, homosexuals are generally
- interested in establishing sexual relationships with other homosexuals; not
- heterosexuals.
- Should government grant gays minority status?
- Of course not. Homosexuals desire the right of liberty as do all
- Americans but their minority status is a result of personal choice; not of
- birth. Though some will argue to the contrary, there is thus far no
- scientific evidence to substantiate the claim.
- Should they be treated differently?
- It depends upon the meaning of "differently." If we are talking about
- every day courtesy, the answer must be no. If we are speaking of acts of
- immorality, they should be treated as anyone who is living an immoral life.
- Do they have the right of employment?
- Most certainly; as do all Americans who are willing to work.
- Should homosexuals be allowed to teach our children?
- Most Christians say no. This is largely due to fear that the teacher will
- somehow interpose his beliefs on to the student. this, of course, is the
- price we all pay for public education. Even when I was in high school in the
- late 1960's, some of my public school teachers, without a doubt, attempted to
- project their evolutionary and immoral ideas into their teaching. We knew,
- even as teenagers, some were living immoral life styles by the way they
- conducted themselves in class.
- Should they be allowed to come in to our schools and inform students of
- the gay life style as an alternative life?
- No more than someone living an adulterous life should be allowed to enter
- a school and attempt to teach their life style is socially acceptable.
- Immorality is immorality no matter who teaches.
- What about transsexuals. Are they male or female?
- they are what God made them before their surgery.
- can homosexuals be born again?
- Anyone confessing Jesus Christ as Lord and repenting of their sin can be
- born again. There must be a great deal of doubt, however, if one confesses
- Christ as Lord but his life does not change.
- Should they be allowed to teach Sunday school? Should they be permitted
- to serve as deacons and elders? What about homosexuals in the pastoral
- office?
- Only if there is genuine repentance of sin and a renunciation of
- immorality and a demonstration of faithfulness to God's Word. In which case
- they would no longer be homosexuals.
- Christians have a lot of misconceptions about homosexuals, one of which is
- that all homosexuals are pedophiles. This most certainly is untrue but
- Christians are justified in demanding that a line be drawn. The Christian's
- view, besides being Biblical in nature, must also be one based on normality.
- Homosexuality is not only immoral but abnormal by its very nature. It is such
- for the same reasons sex with animals is abnormal because all three areas of
- reasoning, biologically, physiologically and emotionally, all apply
- accordingly.
- Finally, the Christians attitude is (should be) one of regeneration and
- forgiveness. Homosexuals who come to Jesus Christ, confessing Him as Lord and
- Savior of their lives, are not only forgiven but changed and made new just as
- anyone else. Though some behavior by human beings may be unconventional and
- even considered abnormal, it may not be immoral. Homosexuality is both
- abnormal and immoral and the Bible declares immorality sin whether it be
- homosex or heterosex. Fortunately, all can be forgiven and made right with
- God and His Son Jesus Christ.